PayotPate Grise Jour - Matifying Beauty Gel For Spotty-Faced 50ml/1.6oz

PayotPate Grise Jour - Matifying Beauty Gel For Spotty-Faced 50ml/1.6oz

PayotPate Grise Jour - Matifying Beauty Gel For Spotty-Faced 50ml/1.6oz

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PayotPate Grise Jour - Matifying Beauty Gel For Spotty-Faced 50ml/1.6oz - product description

A mattifying day care & spot treatment Features a lightweight & velvety gel-cream texture Contains active ingredients including Cannabis Sativa Seed Extract (no CBD, no THC), Chilean mint extract, zinc & bamboo powder Helps moisturize skin, eliminates blemishes while protecting skin against pollution Leaves skin clearer & mattified lastingly Ideal for combination to oily skin Free of GMO, toxins & parabens Tested under dermatological control

PayotPate Grise Jour - Matifying Beauty Gel For Spotty-Faced 50ml/1.6oz - product parameters

PayotPate Grise Jour - Matifying Beauty Gel For Spotty-Faced 50ml/1.6oz - price and availability history

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