Cute Yellow Baby Girl Bohemian 2-Piece Set with Tropical Floral Pattern and Ruffle Edge

Cute Yellow Baby Girl Bohemian 2-Piece Set with Tropical Floral Pattern and Ruffle Edge

Cute Yellow Baby Girl Bohemian 2-Piece Set with Tropical Floral Pattern and Ruffle Edge

Lowest price in the last 60 days: $ 12,99

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Cute Yellow Baby Girl Bohemian 2-Piece Set with Tropical Floral Pattern and Ruffle Edge - product description

[{'content':'Adorable yellow suspenders and skirt set for baby girls.','en_title':'Product Introduction','title':'Product Introduction'},{'content':'Made with a comfortable and durable fabric composition of (insert fabric ratio here).','en_title':'Fabric','title':'Fabric'},{'content':' Machine washable for easy cleaning and maintenance.','en_title':'Care Instruction','title':'Care Instruction'},{'content':'*Product features: Cute and fashionable design. *Fabric characteristics: Soft and durable material. *Piece of product: Two-piece set with a top and skirt. *Neckline: Sweetheart neckline. *Sleeves: Sleeveless. *Style: Casual and stylish, perfect for everyday wear. *Fit: True to size. *Length: Knee-length skirt. *Source of goods: High-quality materials sourced from reliable suppliers. *Supplier: Trusted and reputable supplier.','en_title':'Key Features','title':'Key Features'},{'content':'Perfect for all seasons and occasions. Features an adorable design that is sure to make y

Cute Yellow Baby Girl Bohemian 2-Piece Set with Tropical Floral Pattern and Ruffle Edge - product parameters

Cute Yellow Baby Girl Bohemian 2-Piece Set with Tropical Floral Pattern and Ruffle Edge - price and availability history

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