Royal School Of Needlework 2025 Wall Calendar

Royal School Of Needlework 2025 Wall Calendar

Royal School Of Needlework 2025 Wall Calendar

Lowest price in the last 60 days: $ 15,99

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Royal School Of Needlework 2025 Wall Calendar - product description

An extravagant celebration of intricate embroidery from the Royal School of Needlework. A fine new art calendar from Flame Tree.|The Royal School of Needlework is the international centre of excellence for the art of hand embroidery. This stunning calendar showcases some impressive pieces from the school's collection. Informative text accompanies each work and the datepad features previous and next month?s views. Printed on FSC-certified paper, with plastic-free packaging.|The Royal School of Needlework is known as the international centre of excellence for the art of hand embroidery. Famous for its exceptional technical tuition, it trains everyone from beginners to needlework tutors. It is also renowned for the conservation and restoration of historic embroidered textiles and for its prestigious embroidery commissions created at its Embroidery Studio in the magnificent Hampton Court Palace. This stunning calendar showcases the breadth of pieces held in the school's collection, from the delicately beautiful Silk Shaded Magnolias to a vibrant Arts & Crafts-style tea cosy decorated with butterflies. Informative text accompanies each work and the datepad features previous and next month?s views. Printed on FSC-certified paper, with plastic-free packaging.|? High quality art calendar ? Faithful reproductions true to original works ? Detailed caption information ? Major world holidays and observances ? Working closely with museums, galleries and artists ? Plastic-free packaging|Designed and developed at Flame Tree Publishing, independent publisher and creator of fine, illustrated books, journals and art calendars.

Royal School Of Needlework 2025 Wall Calendar - product parameters

Designed forunisex

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