Toddler/Kid Girl Avant-garde Denim Skirt with Ruffle Edge

Toddler/Kid Girl Avant-garde Denim Skirt with Ruffle Edge

Toddler/Kid Girl Avant-garde Denim Skirt with Ruffle Edge

Lowest price in the last 60 days: $ 13,99

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Toddler/Kid Girl Avant-garde Denim Skirt with Ruffle Edge - product description

Product Introduction: Cute denim skirt with ruffled hem for kids who love fashion. Fabric: Made of 70% cotton, 25% polyester, and 5% spandex. Care Instruction: Machine washable and tumble dry on low heat. Key Features: * Adorable design with ruffled hem. * Soft, stretchy denim fabric for comfort. * Classic skirt style with easy-to-wear waistband. * Round neckline and sleeveless for versatility. * Fashionable and versatile for any occasion. * Perfect fit for growing kids. * Above-the-knee length. * Quality product sourced from reliable suppliers. Additional Information: Suitable for spring and summer seasons. Perfect for casual and semi-formal occasions. The skirt's chic design adds an elegant touch to any outfit.

Toddler/Kid Girl Avant-garde Denim Skirt with Ruffle Edge - product parameters

Toddler/Kid Girl Avant-garde Denim Skirt with Ruffle Edge - price and availability history

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