FENDI - Ff Midi Dress

FENDI - Ff Midi Dress

FENDI - Ff Midi Dress

Lowest price in the last 60 days: $ 2 050

Prices and availability may change several times a day. Check the current data directly in the e-shops. You can find all available colors and sizes directly in the e-shops.

FENDI - Ff Midi Dress - product description

monogram midi dress from FENDI (VIP) featuring white, monogram pattern, stripe trim, square neck and spaghetti straps. This item is in size 38 and the color is White

FENDI - Ff Midi Dress - product parameters

Designed forfemale
MaterialSynthetic->viscose57 % Synthetic->Polyamide39 % Synthetic->Polyurethane4 %

FENDI - Ff Midi Dress - price and availability history

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