Dr. Barbara SturmHydrating Face Mist 50ml/1.69oz

Dr. Barbara SturmHydrating Face Mist 50ml/1.69oz

Dr. Barbara SturmHydrating Face Mist 50ml/1.69oz

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Dr. Barbara SturmHydrating Face Mist 50ml/1.69oz - product description

An ultra-fine spray that provides an invigorating, on-the-go freshness boost Optimally formulated with low & high weighted Hyaluronic Acid molecules to deliver potent hydration Contains Purslane, an anti-aging powerhouse to calm skin & reduce the visible signs of irritation Blended with detoxifying extracts from Lemon, Aloe Vera & Broccoli to refresh & soothe skin Adds a natural, healthy glow to skin Can be used in the morning, throughout the day & while travelling

Dr. Barbara SturmHydrating Face Mist 50ml/1.69oz - product parameters

Designed forfemale

Dr. Barbara SturmHydrating Face Mist 50ml/1.69oz - price and availability history

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