CHITea Tree Oil Soothing Scalp Spray 89ml/3oz

CHITea Tree Oil Soothing Scalp Spray 89ml/3oz

CHITea Tree Oil Soothing Scalp Spray 89ml/3oz

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CHITea Tree Oil Soothing Scalp Spray 89ml/3oz - product description

A soothing & balancing scalp spray Helps instantly relieve itching, irritation & dry scalp in between shampoos Contains Tea Tree Oil, a natural antioxidant to unclog pores & remove build up Blended with moisturizing Silk to soothe & condition dry scalp Loaded with Peppermint Oil to deliver a refreshing & awakening sensationNormalizes & balances scalp oils Infused with Chamomile to shield & maintain hair's strength & resilience Leaves scalp calm & healthy

CHITea Tree Oil Soothing Scalp Spray 89ml/3oz - product parameters

CHITea Tree Oil Soothing Scalp Spray 89ml/3oz - price and availability history

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