Lanvin Mens Bumper Sneakers Red UK 9

Lanvin Mens Bumper Sneakers Red UK 9

Lanvin Mens Bumper Sneakers Red UK 9

Lowest price in the last 60 days: $ 116,25

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Lanvin Mens Bumper Sneakers Red UK 9 - product description

This Lanvin Mens Bumper Sneakers Red is Inspired by the running shoes of the 70s, the BUMPR stands out for its incredible weightlessness and comfort. Its sole, constructed in five parts, lends the shoe a graphic feel.

  • Wool tartan pattern and calfskin BumpR sneakers
  • Color: Red, Orange
  • JL logo on the sides
  • Lanvin engraved spoiler
  • Made in Portugal

Lanvin Mens Bumper Sneakers Red UK 9 - product parameters

Lanvin Mens Bumper Sneakers Red UK 9 - price and availability history

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