Solid Color 2pc Sleeveless Ruffle Romper Suit for Baby Girls - Avant-garde Style

Solid Color 2pc Sleeveless Ruffle Romper Suit for Baby Girls - Avant-garde Style

Solid Color 2pc Sleeveless Ruffle Romper Suit for Baby Girls - Avant-garde Style

Lowest price in the last 60 days: $ 13,99

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Solid Color 2pc Sleeveless Ruffle Romper Suit for Baby Girls - Avant-garde Style - product description

Elegant lace off-the-shoulder baby bodysuit, perfect for summer vacations. * Off-the-shoulder neckline with delicate lace detailing. * Soft and comfortable materials. * Comes with a matching hairband. * Perfect for summer outings.

Solid Color 2pc Sleeveless Ruffle Romper Suit for Baby Girls - Avant-garde Style - product parameters

Designed forfemale

Solid Color 2pc Sleeveless Ruffle Romper Suit for Baby Girls - Avant-garde Style - price and availability history

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