CliniqueQuickliner For Eyes Intense - # 08 Intense Midnight 0.25g/0.008oz

CliniqueQuickliner For Eyes Intense - # 08 Intense Midnight 0.25g/0.008oz

CliniqueQuickliner For Eyes Intense - # 08 Intense Midnight 0.25g/0.008oz

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CliniqueQuickliner For Eyes Intense - # 08 Intense Midnight 0.25g/0.008oz - product description

An automatic, long-wearing eyeliner pencil With a velvety texture that glides on easily Features a convenient smudge tool on opposite end of the applicator Offers a richly pigmented shade for instant intensity Can be used alone or over eye shadow No sharpening is required for applicationCreates bold, dramatic & captivating eyes Ophthalmologist-tested

CliniqueQuickliner For Eyes Intense - # 08 Intense Midnight 0.25g/0.008oz - product parameters

CliniqueQuickliner For Eyes Intense - # 08 Intense Midnight 0.25g/0.008oz - price and availability history

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